AVAST32 program contains also screen saver, which allows you to scan viruses in time when computer is not engaged, when you are not working on it. Virus scanning works on the background of screen saver chosen by user, so the look of screen saver is fully controlled by user.
About test progress is user informed via window moving on the screen . It contains information about just tested file and the number of already tested files. In case the virus is found the test is stopped and message about virus detection is displayed in the window.
The window can be in several colors. If color depth of display is set to low number of colors (less then 65536) the background is white and the text is black, if virus is found background will be black and the text white. If color depth is set to high colors the text will be white and background blue or red (if virus is found).
If you would like to use AVAST32 screen saver, click on "Start button" in the Windows taskbar. From folder "Settings" choose "Control panel" item and then click on "Display" icon in window which will appear. Dialog box of display setting will be shown. Click on "Screen saver" sheet there.
If you use Windows 95/98 choose "AVSS30" item from "Screen saver" list box. Under Windows NT choose "Anti-virus AVAST32" from the list.
To the "Wait:" text box write the time in minutes after which screen saver should be activated if there is no user activity (key press, move with mouse and so on).
After pressing "Settings..." button it is possible to set the parameters of screen saver.
If you would like to see how the screen saver would be working click on "Preview" button.
If you are satisfied with screen saver setting, confirm it with "OK" button and next time the screen saver will be started virus scanning will be running too.